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Dietary Sugar Substitutes for Baking

Low sugar, low calorie, low GI, high dietary fibre content Appearance is white or milky white powder, 50-100 mesh, easily soluble in water, pure sweetness, even and refreshing taste, sweet but not greasy.
Detailed introduction
Product Features:
Low sugar, low calorie, low GI, high dietary fibre content
Appearance is white or milky white powder, 50-100 mesh, easily soluble in water, pure sweetness, even and refreshing taste, sweet but not greasy.
Scope of Use:
Suitable for diabetic people or people with sugar control needs, in baked goods, such as various varieties of bread, cakes, biscuits and pastry fillings and chocolates and other high-sugar foods in the use of sugar substitutes, will not affect the yeast fermentation and cake whipping, and does not affect the crispness of the biscuits and sweetness of the texture and other indicators.
It can satisfy the quality of rich sweetness and at the same time supplement the intake of adequate dietary fibre. At the same time, because of the high content of soluble dietary fibre, the water retention of bread, cakes, biscuits and other baked goods with the use of this product is greatly improved, which also helps to extend the shelf life.
Product Specifications:
1.2 times sweeter, 3 times sweeter, 5 times sweeter
Packing Specifications:
5kg/bag, 20kg/bag
Applicable Standards:  Compound Food Additives/Sweeteners
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